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Legal Forms

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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Freight Bill 1


[Date of bill]

Freight bill no. [Freight bill number]

[Name of carrier]

Consignee: [Consignee].

Destination: [Destination].

TO: [city or other location]


Shipper: [Shipper].
Address: [Address of Shipper].

Waybilled from: [Waybilled from].
Waybill number: [Waybill number].
Waybill date: [Waybill date].

Packages and articles shipped:
Number: [Number of Packages]. Weight: [Weight of Packages].

Rate: $ [Rate] per [Unit for Rate].

Total charge: $. [Total charge]
Total prepaid: $. [Total prepaid]
Total to collect: $. [Total to collect]

Received payment: [Received payment Date]

[Signature or initials], Agent

This form is for use [specify, such as: at junction points on freight subject to connecting line settlement]. For wholly prepaid shipments, agents should write or stamp prepaid in total to collect blank and stamp date delivered hereon, instead of receipting bill.